Status-quo policy gradient in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning


Individual rationality, which involves maximizing expected individual returns, does not always lead to high-utility individual or group outcomes in multi-agent problems. For instance, in multi-agent social dilemmas, Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents trained to maximize individual rewards converge to a low-utility mutually harmful equilibrium. In contrast, humans evolve useful strategies in such social dilemmas. Inspired by ideas from human psychology that attribute this behavior to the status-quo bias, we present a status-quo loss (SQLoss) and the corresponding policy gradient algorithm that incorporates this bias in an RL agent. We demonstrate that agents trained with SQLoss learn high-utility policies in several social dilemma matrix games (Prisoner’s Dilemma, Stag Hunt matrix variant, Chicken Game). We show how SQLoss outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods to obtain high-utility policies in visual input non-matrix games (Coin Game and Stag Hunt visual input variant) using pre-trained cooperation and defection oracles. Finally, we show that SQLoss extends to a 4-agent setting by demonstrating the emergence of cooperative behavior in the popular Braess’ paradox.

Mausoom Sarkar
Mausoom Sarkar
Principal Scientist and Director
Balaji Krishnamurthy
Balaji Krishnamurthy
Senior Principal Scientist and Senior Director